Top Reasons to Recycle your Computer and Hardware Products

Top Reasons to Recycle your Computer and Hardware ProductsThis article will explore why it is important to recycle your old computers and other associated hardware products found within your business or school instead of just destroying them.  All businesses and educational institutions such as schools and colleges are faced with disposing of redundant hardware as they come to buy newer, modern equipment.  For some businesses this will be the case every few months or every year or two as the technology market constantly changes and they update the systems they have in place.  Considering this, it is important that computer disposal for both businesses and schools is done in an efficient manner so that computers that could be recycled and used by others do not just get sent straight to landfill where the effects on the environment can be tremendous.  At Buy IT Back we are passionate about computer recycling and this article aims to provide you with a good understand of why your business or school should take computer recycling seriously.

1. Millions and millions of computers and related products end up in landfills each year.  Considering the size of computers, printers, scanners and so on this is causing a significant impact on the volume of waste in landfills across the world.  Even more shocking is that 99% of any computer product can be recycled!

2. Personal computers that are no longer in use are classed by the Environmental Protection Agency in the UK as hazardous waste – meaning that computer disposal should be done properly following strict guidelines.  In this case computer recycling can be seen as an easier option for both businesses and schools.

3. As both the internal and external materials used in computers can be reused to build future electronics, recycling can result in lower prices for new computers.  As well as this reusing these materials means we are helping the environment by reducing the need to mine for new materials thus saving out natural resources.

4. Computers contain metal components that are all recyclable, so even if these metals are not used in the manufacturing of new computers they can be put to vital use in the production of many other products.

5. Computers are taken for granted by millions of individuals and businesses particularly in the UK.  However there are many organisations out there that do not have a few hundred pounds to spend on a new computer and would greatly welcome an older model.  Donating an old but working computer and any other associated products to an organisation such as a charity could mean that they can greatly increase the productivity!

6. Glass and plastic that are found in computer monitors are materials that do not biodegrade – therefore if they are sent to landfill they could be lying there for many, many years.  However, these materials are very easy to recycle – thinking about the environment is the key message here!

7. Computers and other hardware products can actually pose a great health hazard when dumped in landfills.  Some of the internal parts within computers use substances such as lead, mercury and lithium that are poisonous to plants, animals and humans.  These substances can easily leak into the soil found in landfills which can lead to groundwater contamination.

8. Burning computers is another dangerous way to destroy computers.  When they are set alight toxins are released in to the air and can be present for a good number of days where in the mean time people breath these poisonous elements in.

9. Computer recycling lessens the pollution effects on the environment and as well as this recycling results in less energy consumption.

10. Correct computer disposal carried out by a professional company such as Buy IT Back ensures that any privacy and security issues are well taken care of.  Clearing hard drives to prevent private information being shared should be a key concern for all businesses and this process should be left to professionals.

11. Companies should think about job creation – computer recycling provides the opportunity to create environmental jobs in the recycling of computer products and the reuse of recycled materials in the production of new products.

12. Obviously there are also now legal requirements in place for businesses to follow and strict guidelines must be adhered to – computer recycling provides a viable option to stay within the regulations put in place by the EU’s Waste and Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive.

13. Responsible computer disposal is also now proving popular with more and more businesses and so including how you will safely dispose of unused hardware should be an essential element of your IT strategy.

14. By actively promoting computer recycling you can enhance your corporate social responsibility profile to both customers and other stakeholders.

15. Everyone needs to do more to help our environment and local communities and computer recycling is just one of many ways that your business or school can be seen to be doing good.

16. As technology enhances daily, E-waste is only going to become more of a problem and so getting on top of the issue now is vital for sustainable business to be achieveable.

If your business needs help and advice with your computer recycling requirements, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on 01621 786 860.

Providing IT Hardware, Data Security, Recycling & Residual Value Solutions For Over 30 Years Since 1992