European WEEE Compliance Scheme Collective to be launched

By February 18, 2014News
It was announced mid-January that a new WEEE compliance scheme is launching across Europe. Nine large compliance schemes are linking up together to form a collective to deal with WEEE across their home countries.

The scheme brings together the nine non-profit schemes across Europe as a response to the failure of the last European WEEE Directive consultation. Despite demands for simplification of regulations for the industry, nothing major was done.

Standardisation has been a problem for WEEE recycling and management across the EU as different countries have different methods of disposal and more importantly the ways of reporting WEEE figures are also different from country to country. This new WEEE Europe scheme hopes to tackle this in its own way and plans to offer members the following benefits:

Compliance with legal obligations and individual national laws

Reduction of the potential for error in reports due to one single set of data for all involved schemes

Production of the above consolidated reports for a single centralised input of data

Anyone who joins WEEE Europe can join other affiliated compliance schemes in affiliated countries. The countries involved at present include UK, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Spain and Switzerland (twice). More member states are being contacted and the scheme is looking to expand to allow for the simplification of WEEE disposal regardless of the Directive’s suggestions.

WEEE and your Business

Disposing of WEEE as a business person can be a difficult issue to organise. Above anything else in the modern workplace WEEE constitutes computer hardware and related equipment. Responsibly disposing of your used computer equipment, whether it’s a single unit or a whole office’s worth of hardware, is a legal responsibility for your company.

Computer recycling is best carried out through a professional, experienced partner company. Working with a specialised IT and electronics recycling company will give you the peace of mind to ensure your WEEE is being disposed of in a way that 100% fits with the guidelines of the legislation.

Running an office based business means you need to ensure your equipment is up to date and meets the needs of your employees and more importantly your clients. The replacement of your full range of equipment comes at a cost which is why recycling unwanted computer hardware for cash will help ensure your costs aren’t too extreme.

Choosing a commercial partner to do this will ensure you comply with the WEEE Directive and Discovery Computer Services Ltd trading as Buy IT Back also offer server recycling if you’re having a complete overhaul or perhaps moving your company into the world of Cloud computing.

Simplification of WEEE legislation would be welcomed by all in the business, especially if it benefits our clients.

Providing IT Hardware, Data Security, Recycling & Residual Value Solutions For Over 30 Years Since 1992