Business data protection exists to ensure customer details, sensitive financial information, sales figures and any other key business information is kept secure and protected. Your company’s data is probably its most valuable asset so legal protection for it is understandable.

Good business data protection ensures information is kept safe and should mean that you comply with all relevant data protection rules and legislation. Your business needs to have good protection in place but also needs safeguards in place in case of a breach.

Data Protection Regulations

The Data Protection Act 1998 is the relevant legislation that your business will need to pay attention to. It applies to all information stored about living individuals and as a business you must follow these specific steps to ensure you are compliant:

  • Tell the Information Commissioner’s Office that you process data
  • Explain to customers/clients how you store their data and give them access to it
  • Give the option of opting out of data being used
  • Maintain the data ensuring it is up to date and secure
  • Only store information for as long as it is required

Good Business Data Protection

To ensure you avoid breaches to the security of your data good business data protection should be practiced. The first step is to identify a secure space for the storage of all your data. This could be on internal network, a cloud storage option or even on business hard drives.

The second step that matters is keeping all your data 100% accurate and up to date. Outdated records are no more useful than having no data at all so a procedure for maintaining and reviewing records should be in place. Duplication’s should also be regularly checked for as mailing customers twice can result in annoyance and unnecessary costs.

As a business you must have procedures in place to ensure data protection breaches are avoided wherever possible, particular when sensitive data is involved. Below are some key measures to consider.

Secure Storage

Limit access user levels to secure data, ensuring only people who genuinely need access to the data are able to view it.

Monitor Data Release

Take precautions with the release of data. This relates to ensuring security checks are carried out before sharing data with customers via the phone or face to face.

Encrypt before Transferring

All data should be securely encrypted before transferring outside of your business. Limiting the risk of leaks.

What happens when you no longer need the data?

There are many instances where you may no longer need customer data or have moved the data elsewhere and need it erased from old hardware. Computer recycling London companies and those across the UK can choose from often includes secure data erasure.

Data erasure ensures no trace of data is left on any hardware you maybe choosing to sell on and hard disc shredding is another option many businesses consider for complete peace of mind.

Data protection breaches can cause a significant negative impact to your business, especially if it was clear there were measures you could have put in place to limit their impact. Ensuring you treat your data with respect and handle it securely, will provide further protection for your business.

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