The importance of secure Data Destruction

By March 22, 2013Data Destruction, News

When running your own business it is important that you take the storage of personal data seriously. Due to legislation such as the Data Protection Act 1998 as a business owner you are responsible and accountable for the safe storage of your customers and employees personal data.

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Day to day business will inevitably involve customers or clients to transfer sensitive data over to you such as contact details or payment details. It is for this reason that it is important that your business takes the security of this data seriously. Allowing this type of data to get into the wrong hands could not only lead to legal proceedings it could seriously damage your brand equity and ultimately cost your business.

If you have to store sensitive data or information then it is vitally important that it is completely secure and only your most trusted employees have access to it. There will also come a time when the data is no longer needed and it will have to be destroyed. If the data is storage on a solid state hard drive then you will need to ensure the destruction process includes degaussing, this will ensure that data is permanently deleted by altering the magnetic fields inside the hard drive so that it can never be recovered. The most secure way of permanently erasing any data is use an external company like Buy IT Back to do it for you, make sure that the company is Blancco certified, runs criminal checks on their staff and can provide testimonials from previous/current customers.

With the currently economic crisis, it is now more than ever important to keep the costs of your business down. However, with data destruction it is important not to take any short cuts and ensure that the job is done properly. If not done properly then it could cost you a lot more in lost reputation and ultimately lost business.

For more information please click here to find out more about how Buy IT Back can help with your computer recycling needs.

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